Pretty short audio. The stock samples are pretty cheap, I recommend you to find good ones on the Internet. The pattern is pretty weird but feels funky sometimes.
~ Ahurac
Pretty short audio. The stock samples are pretty cheap, I recommend you to find good ones on the Internet. The pattern is pretty weird but feels funky sometimes.
~ Ahurac
Thank you for your feedback!
That full name reminds me of that nice band called XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX. The audio quality of this upload is pretty bad sadly.
~ Ahurac
Sounds sick mate. Can't believe you did this on FL Mobile and Caustic 3... The melodies sound incredible. The mixing could be better but it's hard on your DAWs. Some instruments sound a little bit robotic, like the one at 0:48.
Keep it up,
~ Ahurac
some other might reference in megalovania abit (❍ᴥ❍)✨✨✨ but thanks mate
The drum beat is cool. The bassline is pretty basic and I wouldn't have used this preset. Also the audio is really short, it only sounds like an intro.
Wish you the best,
~ Ahurac
The chords are extremely harshy o_O. The arp are really random.
~ Ahurac
oh uh
i'll uh
well uh
sorry then lol
my music is pretty trash tbh lol
still sometimes use the basic lmms samples
thanks for the feedback though
i'll try to improve
if I even can lol
The vocal is sick. The kick is pretty weak. It lacks of longer bass layers imo. Maybe the drops are pretty short.
~ Ahurac
Thank you for tips. Stay tuned for another tracks ;)
Man that's just insane :0 you're scouted from now. I don't have anything to say about the track itself (except it's a bit messy sometimes), but the structure, the melodies, the texture, everything is great, well done.
~ Ahurac
Lost Bits is out now!
Music Producer
Joined on 8/21/19